Wait, WHAT?! July? When did THAT happen?
Where did May and June go?
For that matter, where did the past FIVE YEARS go?
Yes, five. I have been a mother for almost five years. We're staring down the barrel at our oldest child's fifth birthday. I vividly remember the summer of 2007. Well, the first half. The second half flew by so fast I hardly remember any of it, mainly because I was in an cesarean and oxycodone-induced postpartum depression fog, but that's a story for another day and time. June and July was hot. I mean, hot. I'm pretty sure it hit 200 degrees. In the shade.
Fast forward to five years later. I have a happy, bouncy almost-five-year-old telling me, "Mommy, it's July. My birthday is in July!" The next half of this summer going into fall is going to fly by, much like that c-section/oxycodone fog.
First, we'll be signing up Arianna for soccer. She wants to play so bad. When we had to take a ball away... again... due to her kicking the ball in the house, we decided it was time to sign her up for soccer. Lord willing, we'll be getting her in with an Upward league near our house. This makes me excited and nervous at the same time. Having a child with anaphylactic allergies makes anything like this scary. Kids or parents bring snacks that have her allergen, if they touch her or she touches the food, we could be dealing with a life-threatening situation. However, we can't live our lives cowering in the corner, with her in a bubble, for fear of the unknown. We do our best to maintain a nut free environment by having me sign up as team parent and bringing snacks for the kids, we make sure the coaches, parents, and other kids know the seriousness of her condition and take it that seriously, and we carry her rescue medications and most importantly pray that she is kept safe.
After soccer is handled, we'll be purchasing her homeschool curriculum. We've decided on using My Father's World curriculum, based on several positive comments from friends who use it and that it has everything I want in a homeschool curriculum. To prepare to homeschool, we will be spending the next month and a half cleaning and organizing bedrooms, my sewing desk (which will double as a "Keep the school stuff away from the boys" area), and a closet that has a lot of our office supplies that has been neglected. I am wanting to have everything ready by August, but we won't be starting school until the 20th.
In between soccer, preparing the house and curriculum for school, and all of the other things we do (OT, ST, doctor's visits, etc.) I'll be working to get our year planned for American Heritage Girls. I'm the co-leader for Arianna's age group in our troop. They don't get patches at this age, they get beads. They get small beads for coming to meetings, and then they get big beads for accomplishments like knowing the Pledge of Allegiance, the AHG creed, motto, etc. There's stuff we're doing with the littles, then there are things we are doing with the troop as a whole like camping, participating in Wreathes Across America, collecting change to buy chickens and a goat to send to Haiti (this provides a constant food supply/income for poor families), having a float in the Gator Bowl Parade, and other fun stuff.
My hands are full! I couldn't be happier though! I love my kids, and I am so happy to be blessed with the opportunities to do all of these things with her. I can't wait until the boys are old enough to do things like this too!
This post has been mostly about my little girl, but our boys are getting so big! Jonas is losing his baby fat, saying more and speaking clearer, he still has his days where neither of us understand each other and we both end up crying, but we work it out. Josiah is running everywhere. LJ says he is at "maximum cuteness" level, which means that he could get away with murder if we let him! He's TOO cute! Portraits forthcoming, this week!
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